Saturday, August 11, 2007

Arby's fast food bad?

It's alright, not McDonalds killer but there are no nutrients and not really any benefits. Roast beef, there's worse things out there but if you like that stuff, try to cook it at home. It will take more time but you oversee it and cook it to your liking and healthy ness,
Well more later but check out my site and click on 'food'.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Bottle water

Is a waste of money. We all just found out it's nothing special apart from tap water. It's not from the Rockies or from the slow streams of Canada. It's bottled by some guys bathtub in Pittsburgh (well that's a Lewis Black joke. There is more at my site about bottle water and other things.

See it here!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Made a website

Well, I had some time to kill and wanted to make a website about my favorite product and articles to compliment it. Read my article on bottle water too. Can save you ALOT of money if you drink alot of it.

It is here! Click!

Let me know what you think. I'll be back on here Monday at the latest.
